Sunday, December 20, 2009
YouTube keyword suggestion tool
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Google Adwords new advertising exam - is this good news?

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Government 2.0
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Digital Assets Optimization - how little things such as PDFs can make a big difference in SEO

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Google Adwords for Small Businesses
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Inside Google Adwords

- The latest industry trends and information
- Google insights and news
- Relevant product information and updates
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Alexa gives you quick web metrics on the go!

- About 1,000 visitors researched the web site yesterday (09.12.09)
- They looked at 4.4 pages on average
- The bounce back rate (i.e. how many people left the web site after landing on the home page) was 31.3%
- Visitors spend on average 4.7 minutes
- There are 2,824 inbound links to
- Keywords used to find were:, hotels, hotel, cheap hotels etc ...

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Top 12 blog editing tips
1. Be transparent. You are not blogging anonymously .
2. Be truthful. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to blogging. Be accurate, and above all, tell the truth.
3. Be yourself. Your personality should show through in your blog posts.
4. Share your excitement. The best blog posts display your emotions. If you are excited about something, don’t be afraid to show it.
5. Be kind. Make sure your criticism is constructive.
6. Don’t cut and paste. Create unique content.
7. Link strategically. You should try to link out to at least one other site in every post. This could be an example of the point you are making.
8. Ask questions. You should try to pose a question at the end of every blog post to encourage dialogue.
9. Check comments. Before blogging, make sure the topic has not been discussed already.
10. Spread the word. Look for ways to talk up our blog (newsletter, conversations etc.)
11. Newspaper test. Make sure your comment passes
12. Appropriateness. Some questions or comments may not be suitable for an open audience
Friday, August 28, 2009
Who’s Driving Twitter’s Popularity? Not Teens
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Digital Assets Optimization - or the end of the 10 blue links - get your videos, tweets, images and applications out

Friday, August 14, 2009
Where on the web is advertising more fruitful?

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Twitter for media relations - top 10 learnings

Monday, July 27, 2009 powerfull tracking system

I have been using tinyurl and for sometime. The idea is to shorten long URL to a few letters and save space for more relevant information on Twitter/Facebook status updates. What I realized recently is both URL shortener had a tracking capability. By logging into homepage, I realized that each shortened link has a comprehensive set of stats including:number of clicks, sources (email, facebook, twitter), region (US, UK , France etc ..) and historical perfomance.
I came to realize I did not set-up my google analytics correctly on the blog. There is clearly a discrepancy between traffic from shortened link to what I see in my google analytics dashboard. Thank you
Another coll feature is the ability to go straight to, create shortened link and post it directly to Twitter/Facebook without having to log-in to Twitter or Facebook.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Google adwords certification exam

Good luck with it, feel free to reach out if you need some feedback/help for the test.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Top 3 Twitter growth and measurement tools
Tool # 1 - Tweepme

In short, TweepMe is the 100% opt-in group of Twitter users who all chose to follow each other on Twitter. When a new member joins, every other member automatically follows the new member, and the new member follows them back. The process is gradual and happens over the course of weeks or months depending on the number of TweepMe members.
It's not free. I paid about $10 to join. I thought of it as an experiment. At first glance, it was slow. I was expecting to have 5,000 followers in the first 24 hours but then realized it would take months to get to that number. I think I have close to 1,500 followers rights now and it is growing fast. Traffic to the blog increased but not as much as I was expecting. I still think that for $10, it is all worth it.
Tool # 2 - TwitterCounter
Another good tool I recently discovered. Since this blog is mostly about measurement, I wanted to give an insight into this powerful tool. TwitterCounter is more sophisticated than most tools I have seen so far. It gives a comprehensive historical view of these 3 variables: number of followers, friends and updated. There is also a feature that looks at trend overtime and gives predictions. It's free and fun to use.
Tool # 3 - TweetGrid
TweetGrid is a Twitter search engine. I find the interface easy to use. I typed-in a number of keywords related to digital marcom (SEO, measurement, analytics etc ... ) and narrowed it down to a number of A-users which I started to follow. Hopefully they will follow me in return and drive traffic to the blog.
For more Twitter tools, check out this article from Mashable. I can't see the value of all of them but I leave to you to provide feedack to the ones you like best!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Marketing E-mails Expected to More Than Double in Five Years
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Search Engine Optimization - Top 10 positive factors
2. Anchor Text of Inbound Link
3. Global Link Popularity of Site
4. Age of Site
5. Link Popularity within the Site's internal structure
6. Topical Relevance of Inbound Links to site
7. Link Popularity of Site in Topical communities
8. Keyword Use in Body Text
9. Global Link Popularity of Linkink sites
10. Topical Relationship of Linking popularity
Friday, June 12, 2009
Search Engine Optimization resources
Now that I have shared with you some of the highlights of the course, let me redirect you to some useful SEO tools:

- you can look at any web site look and feel over the years
- great resource to run keyword density
- use the command: '' linkdomain:'' (substitute with your web site own url) and enter in - the yahoo search box to find out how many web sites are linking to you
- shows what links go to your competitors' web sites
- google: find out when was the last time a Google crawler visited your web site. type in ''cache:'' (substitute with your web site own url) into the google search box
That's all for now. I will publish more resources as I get to use them!
Search Engine Optimization course in digital media at NY University

These are my take-aways from this class:
- Only 10 to 20% of people click on paid ads. The remaining traffic goes to organic search
- Google ranks web sites using an algorithm of 254 elements
- Google crawlers can't read flash (make sure at least a section of the web site is in html)
- Search engine optimization (SEO) efforts are 20% on-page and 80% off-page
- In other words, it's all about link building to your web site
- The SEO consultants mentioned that an average company might have 50 to 50 links to thir web site (and 10 for a smaller company)
- It's not really about quantity but more about quality of the web sites referring to you
Some optimizations techniques discussed in class (in no particular order)
1. Use anchor text for incoming link (eg: hyperlink will be '' and not 'click here' 2. Create good and self-explanatory titles (less than 40 words)
3. Add alt-tag feature to all images
4. Use clear image file name
5. 3 keywords max per page in order to avoid 'keyword stuffing'
6. A sitemap (or table of content with links to all pages' will help Google crawlers to organize your web site
7. Use no follow-tag for outbound links
8. Keyword density should not exceed 8%
9. Have a good ratio of anchor text and naked links (e.g
10. Link pages to each other within the web site
1. Do not use link brokers. They can be cheap but most of the time, the links they sell you are of average quality
2. Solicit links from other web site and offer incentives (reciprocal building for example, free merchandise)
3. Only 10% of link building emails are returned. Be persistent!
4. A lot of social media web sites like wiki and facebook and have 'do not follow' tags
5. Blogpost, digg are ok
6. Use pingmaster to submit new posts on your blog
7. You can also submit your web site to registries like DMOZ, Giguides etc ...
And most of all, be patient. It takes a few years to move-up on Google ranking!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Taking Online-Ad Measurement Beyond the Click
Pay-per-click is a model I like in the sense it gives me invaluable and measurable data on how customers react to a particular ad. It gives me the ability to change the format, editorial and offer and measure results almost instantly. However it does not provide much insight into customers change in attitudes or purchases intention.
Like any metrics, it is useful to have but has to be complemented by other behavioural data. One metric the article refers to is from the car industry. Research shows that the number of test drives booked online can be a good proxy for car sales. This metric can of course not being used on its own but provides a good complement to other Pay-per-click data.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Email marketing & analytics – Part 2
The intention was to use the 3 most common email marketing metrics:
- Bounce rates
- Open rates
- Click-through rates
Typically, email-marketing software (such as the G-lock example below) provide these metrics. They offer a high level of granularity (to the extent you can have data for each recipient). Other metrics I look at are: forward rate, unsubscribe rate etc …
I also added 2 behavioral online performance metrics, drawn from traffic to the various blogs and websites we promoted in the newsletter.
I would like to go through each of these 5 metrics and discuss some of the limitations, as I stumbled upon some legitimate roadblocks, which makes success measurement quite complex to perform.

Metrics and limitations
1. My bounce rate was excellent (close to absolute zero). Only one or two emails were returned to sender. This did not come as a surprise since the database I was using was spot-on. The community was launched recently so we would expect all email addresses to be accurate. However one can argue the bounce rate is misleading in one way since it does not take into accounts those emails that might have been deleted silently by anti-spam system. On way around this is to use delivery monitor services such as Delivery monitor. This service allows you to track what happens to your emails to major ISPs.
2. The second metric I looked at was open rates. The open rate is often referred as a percentage of the numbers of emails delivered to recipients. It varies by industry, company, how well has the segmentation was performed (loyal customers are more likely to open all emails they receive form their favorite brands). The headline (in particular if there is a monetary offer) can also boost this rate.
Some of the limitations related to the open rates are:
- First it is a rough proxy for reader’s interest. It does not really measure whether the recipient read the newsletter or recall its content. I would use click-through rates and other measures to determine the ‘engagement’ of community members.
- Second, some email clients have a preview function where part of the email is being displayed (one the side or bottom of the email client). In other words, an high open rate might not take into consideration these recipients who did not actually read the newsletter.
- Third, open rates are calculated differently. The most common approach is to look at open rates as a percentage of email being delivered. Others looked at the same percentage over emails being sent.
3. The third metric I considered was the click-through rate. A CTR is the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in the newsletter. I like CTR in the sense it provides a better measure of recipient’s engagement.
However, the primary limitation to CTR is it does give an accurate representation of positive shift in recipient’s attitudes and behaviors. In the case of my newsletter, having a number of CTR to let’s say a blog does not indicate whether recipients enjoy the blog content or have a stronger affinity for the community we are building. In the case of a purchase/ re-peat purchase driven newsletter, we will need to link CTR with actual purchase to evaluate the overall performance of the email campaign.
4. The fourth metric I took into account is the number of hits the various blogs and web addresses got in the 24hours after the e-newsletter was sent. Along CTR, this is another way to make a connection between newsletter and traffic generated. In this case, we will need to subtract regular traffic from overall traffic to come up with a good grasp of incremental traffic. CTR is easier to compute.
5. Lastly, one of the call-to-action in the e-newsletter was a phone number community members could call to attend a seminar. This proved to be a reliable success measure (even though it is hard to differentiate the incremental measure form the regular measure since community members could have obtained this phone number by other channels).
All in all, bounce rate, open rate, click-through-rate and other behavioral measures are great to have. Any email marketing software usually provides all of them. Just watch-out for some of the limitations that might bias results.
For more information on this topics, check-out this amazing resource from Email Marketing Report.
Email marketing & analytics – Part 1
The lay-out of the newsletter was distinctive, simple and a continuity of the brands we were promoting. It allows members to gather information quickly. The headlines were designed to capture member’s imaginations and there were several call-to-actions spread-out throughout the newsletter (a combination of links and phone number to call). As I developed the newsletter, I have found the following sources really useful in providing some guidance on content, design and call-to-action.
- Email anatomy > Email experience council
- Email design > Email marketing reports
- Email copy tips > ClickZ Copy tips
- Email copyrighting > Email marketing manual
- Best practices > ClickZ Marketing Excellence Awards
- Email call-to-action > Email marketing report
In addition, you can check out these organizations web sites: EMarketing Association, Direct Marketing Association. I personally also like the CMO Council and Marketing profs which regularly publish white papers on this topic.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monitoring what people say about your company in the blogsphere
Today, I would like to talk about Technorati.
Technorati claims to track more than 112 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media (posts, photos and videos). You can perform keyword searches across blogs and conversations, in more than 20 languages. A service to rank blogs was added recently.
When performing searches, I usually use my company name and its competitors. Sometime I will track down some particular words that are related to my industry. I can modify the date range in order to compare who is talking about what in a given time period.
Unlike its major competitor (blogpulse), what I like about Technorati is I can also refine my search and select only articles published in the most popular blogs. This is referred as authority. The authority ranking gives me an idea as to how many blogs link to it. The Wall Street Journal has a ‘lot of authority’ for example. From a PR perspective, the authority is probably as important (if not more) than the number of impressions.
Finally Technorati also offers URL and tag searches. I particularly like the URL search function, which lists blogs that link to my company web site (you can also find out what these blogs say).
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Using Google trends and adwords as a proxy for brand awareness
Without hard data on hand (and very little time to perform primary or secondary research), I discovered I could use Google trends and adwords to calculate the number of Google searches for one or more keywords.
This will ultimately give me a rough idea of how a brand is searched by customers. One could argue it is a simplistic digital view of measuring to what extent a brand is known by customers. Clearly the example below is for directional use.
Let's begin with Google trends.

Google trends compared the relative number of searches between various keywords. In the example here, I used two luxury car brands: 'lexus' and 'infiniti'. Google trends ranked the keywords and it clearly show a 'higher' brand awareness for lexus.
However Google trends only gives a relative scale ( 2 to 4). To actually get the number of exact searches, I had to use Google adwords. Google adwords gives us the number of searches per month over the last 12 months. This is an average and with a bit of maths and using the relative scale above, I was able to create a graph showing the number of searches for both Infiniti and Lexus over the last five years.
This is a rough estimation but with the data I collected, I was able to have a conversation with our regional brand managers. And decide whether to keep the sub-brands independent. It turned out there is a lot more to brand awareness than the number of online searches. But again, the proxy was a good starting point.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monetizing Web 2.0
He argued that despite the success of these viral marketing campaigns (.e. # of hits), no-one at this point of time has been able to measure tangible sales results.

The first study they did was for a personal-care brand which invested ~$1MM on MySpace. Interestingly the found that only 1% visited an advertiser page on MySpace and half who did ended-up visiting the personal care web site. However the campaign was able to generate an incremental $1.8MM in offline sales. More details in the Advertising age article.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Why do we bother with marketing communication perfomance metrics?
Defining effectiveness and efficiency
Being effective means producing powerful effects. For example, a large banner advertising on a popular generic web site might drive positive attitudes and behaviors towards a brand. It does not necessarily mean this was the most efficient way to spend your advertising dollars. Being efficient means producing results with little wasted effort. In this example, a better use of advertising dollars might have been to have more smaller (and less costly) advertising banners on specialists web sites.
I use marketing performance measurement for a number of reasons

1/ To justify budget allocation (with a tendency to go for Marketing communications campaigns with highest efficiency). As much as I would like to stick to this rule I always found some Marketing Communications decisions being made for other reasons (prestige, relationship with a vendor etc...)
2/ To make us, marketing communications practitioners in the wider sense ''accountable''. How many times did I hear marketing communication was like a black box and no-one had a good sense where the dollars were going into. Financial transparency is often a good way to reinforce the idea that we own the marketing plans and respective dollars.
3/ To better understand and articuate reasonable key success factors for campaigns to come ahead. I have found this help both the company and various vendors supporting the initiatives.
4/ To add credibility to the marketing team. When possible, I try to add a measurement element to any large or small marketing communication initiatives, before I receive senior management buy-in.
In summary, in my experience, measurement makes it easier for the marketing team to figure what worked and what did not. As important, it helps to report results to senior management and justify next year's marketing budget.