Saturday, August 22, 2009

Digital Assets Optimization - or the end of the 10 blue links - get your videos, tweets, images and applications out

I was recently attending a presentation by Anton Konikoff from Acronym Media about Search Marketing 2.0. In his 15 mns enlightening pitch, Anton discussed the future of Serach Marketing. These are the kek take-ways:

1/ Organic search is no longer showing 10 or 15 blue links anymore. We should get used to that idea that nowadays a whole lot of other elements will come-up in organic serach. These are local results, videos, images etc ... As a result wer should start optimizing these assets to drive traffice to our web site. ''Digital Assets Optimization is gradually replacing Search Engine Optimization''

2/ In addition, Google might no longer be the default search engine for certain clutters of people. Google is really good at ranking an incredible number of web pages. However web crawlers do this on a regular basis (every week for example). As a a result not all Google searches are up-to-date. By opposition Twitter is constantly up-to-the-minute. Anton was making the point that Twitter might become a search engine for some people. Finally Anton discussed how some marketers use Twitter to gather voice-of-the-customer. By having access to the latest trends and language being used by its customers, the Four Seasons hotel chain was able to change some of its Search Engine Marketing keywords.

Overall an amazing presentation. Now let's get our Tweets, images, old videos out and let's start tracking Twitter to gather customer insights.