Thursday, September 3, 2009

Top 12 blog editing tips

I did some research recently as I wanted to create a blog etiquette for a project I am working on. This is a summary of best practices and personal experience blogging. Hope it is useful:

1. Be transparent. You are not blogging anonymously .

2. Be truthful. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to blogging. Be accurate, and above all, tell the truth.

3. Be yourself. Your personality should show through in your blog posts.

4. Share your excitement. The best blog posts display your emotions. If you are excited about something, don’t be afraid to show it.

5. Be kind. Make sure your criticism is constructive.

6. Don’t cut and paste. Create unique content.

7. Link strategically. You should try to link out to at least one other site in every post. This could be an example of the point you are making.

8. Ask questions. You should try to pose a question at the end of every blog post to encourage dialogue.

9. Check comments. Before blogging, make sure the topic has not been discussed already.

10. Spread the word. Look for ways to talk up our blog (newsletter, conversations etc.)

11. Newspaper test. Make sure your comment passes

12. Appropriateness. Some questions or comments may not be suitable for an open audience